Great, superior we find a way to take the right decision... We will ask everyone and later decide by ourselves...
Common guys where is the competence, of course, dog may have an idea about cats' life but, giving advice on this matter and asking dog's opinion about this case is the highest level of stupidity!!!
I can not understand this point and of course its bias that we are assessing this persons' level... To assess the persons' level world has lots of different tools - test is one them.
I would like to be mad but, can not I want to cry for these people and can not understand how can they make a business with this vision. That means our market is in awful situation if such cases appear. Oh my God help them...
How they could not understand that they waste their time and of course their workers which in financial terms means money. They become less flexible and business becomes kind of game to play.
It is so easy to fool this chain by providing false information... But, I am sure that they will come back to you in case of problem. But, you can pass the ball again back to chain and later, people will say that they are tired...
Of course that is the normal... There must be a board and very key decisions must be taken by this board and not all letter should be read and corrected by all departments... It is stupidity...
Enough complaining back to work!!! May GOD help these people since I do not care anymore!