People are trying to earn more and in this way they just outsource or change the company value chain and invite more customers to work for them. That model perfectly works! Everything start with IKEA concept to give it out. Gave a customer chance to do it. I love citate from one gurus: "He said cheap airlines cut out all the additional services, probably tomorrow they will go out to the passengers and ask them is there anyone who can flight on the plane. We need a pilot :)"

That what is currently happening in the world, people want everything free... and that is brings new models for the companies. Companies provides logistics and start to charge from the logistics and other models. As an example, they arrange a meeting and charge from the restaurants :) for the additional clients :)
That how it is work, mobile or e-business gives opportunity to sell and buy on their pages and charges only the seller with the additional cost as should government do. Probably in future they will collect taxes for government and then charge government for this service :) Anyway, goodluck to everyone in changing, crazy world.