Friday, June 27, 2008

New business model makes MONEY???

People are trying to earn more and in this way they just outsource or change the company value chain and invite more customers to work for them. That model perfectly works! Everything start with IKEA concept to give it out. Gave a customer chance to do it. I love citate from one gurus: "He said cheap airlines cut out all the additional services, probably tomorrow they will go out to the passengers and ask them is there anyone who can flight on the plane. We need a pilot :)"

That what is currently happening in the world, people want everything free... and that is brings new models for the companies. Companies provides logistics and start to charge from the logistics and other models. As an example, they arrange a meeting and charge from the restaurants :) for the additional clients :)

That how it is work, mobile or e-business gives opportunity to sell and buy on their pages and charges only the seller with the additional cost as should government do. Probably in future they will collect taxes for government and then charge government for this service :) Anyway, goodluck to everyone in changing, crazy world.

CAD/CAM systems

Historically people produced on machines, later they replaced themselfves and put computers into the shop. And then they started to manage computers, currently, human kind found out a new solution it produces in one geography and asks from another.

It is so easy, company provides you an ability to put technical specification online and then the registered suppliers from China bid for it. This is very good for engineers whose technical solutions cost a lot in EU and USA.

So, just draw what you want and put the measurement go to and ask to ManuFactureGood... Are you still here?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today is the tenth blog...
I take a decision, from now on the blog post number will decrease to once in a week. That means, I will post only once in a week and probably it will be Fridays...
I think that will help you-my reader to easily follow up my post and me to collect and provide you more valuable feeds...
Actually, I have lots of staff to post but, since I am too young I may post more than you can.:) Hence, I decided to change a concept a bit... If you are against please, express it and I will review my concept immediately :)
All the best from KarMa!

Friend's ship

It is already known that Yahoo! used Google's ship to prolong its journey in business world. Current, rebranding or let's say ymailing actions, search results googling shows that Google somehow is in Yahoo! It is not yet obvious in which part of Yahoo! stands Google but, at least they already streghten their common relation.

This relations was obvious from the beginning double o's could not survive without each other. But, it is does not change a lot for us as customers. Both companies will continue on their way and probably will some kind of supplement each other. And probably in some next years we will face the new phenomenon which we may already call YaGoo! or may be Googleya.

Any way, all the best to the new couple!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Sometimes it is worth to take a pause... To stop, to look around and then to put on gears to speed up.

Oh, pause, oh my darling I am coming to you :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Behavioralism vs. Homo Economicus

Strange but, science still tries to explain why people behave in this or that way. It is kind of impossible since people is very complex beings. They have different kinds of thinking and backgrounds. It is not possible to categorize and certainly explain that this happen as a reason of that.

On the other hand, we have to explain everything and provide certain answers at least to our child when s/he ask why her/his ant or uncle behaved in this or that way...

What we already did? We started to observe people and to compare them with the other beings. We found out that some of the beings have similarities with us and we went in this direction. We found out that even they have similarities with us, they can not be used to explain human being...

Later, we jump into the observation... Observed by how many...

Then, we decided to experiment on people... We created game theory, probability, rationality... But again that did not work for us...

Nowadays, we are trying to dig deeper into the brain. We are using scanners to find out what is happening in people brains when they act in this or that way... But still this researches gives little to us...

We hope that it will work better in future and people will understand why this or that thing happens... May be we should start to test? Are there any one who can be volunteer?...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Busy + ness = BUSINESS

Life is life... Sometimes people are involved in so many things that they can get lost in them. Being busy is very nice and almost always helps to escape unnessary things. Just imagine when you enter into the room, where you sit. Of course, you the chair which is free. Life is same, bad things catch people who have nothing to do or walk in the not proper place and not at the proper time...

Being busy keeps person to start doing thing and being in secure since s/he knows that s/he doings thing in the familiar place which is safer and already known for him/her.

Guys please, do not overload yourself... Try to see all pros and cons of what you are going to do and assume approximate time that you need to assign to this work. Sometimes you get all things together and then, even 24 hours becomes insufficient.

Be busy, work hard but, do not stress no one can earn all money that exist and no one can finish all the work at the same time...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh my computer and network

Oh dear computer,

Oh lovely network,

Please just work, I need to finish this sheet :) It is strange but, that may happen. It happened today, half of our colleagues enjoyed patience and used their chances to communicate. Others like me were striving to do something...

Just imagine nothing is working power went off, all communication brake down. End of the life? Never... Life will go on if you, me and others will be ready to live without this stipud stuff:)

Ok, if you do not want to work I will read something :)

Oh my computer and network

Oh dear computer,

Oh lovely network,

Please just work, I need to finish this sheet :) It is strange but, that may happen. It happened today, half of our colleagues enjoyed patience and used their chances to communicate. Others like me were striving to do something...

Just imagine nothing is working power went off, all communication brake down. End of the life? Never... Life will go on if you, me and others will be ready to live without this stipud stuff:)

Ok, if you do not want to work I will read something :)

Network and work

It is so strange that a powerful man, who invented the computer currently, could not done anything with them when the network or connection is lost. Inventions makes people more passive and hence, one day people will loose the control over their life if already have not...

That is normal since, no one never controlled their life. But, it becomes worse that we people are just transferring to the lazy people who just can act when they have the right tools under their hands.

In fact we should think and create alternatives... May one day everything will stop functioning and we would start to do something to survive. Are you ready for that?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

$100 laptop

I have no idea where people get this idea but, I think it is pretty nice to send laptops to people in rural area and facilitate education. Of course, sceptics or may be realists would point out that it is a creation of a new demand for the computers or licences which will expire after distribution and prolongation will cost little money but in volume it will create a massive income.

I really do not care, since it is the best solution currently people have. I think we even should not produce such an expensive computer. I think it is better to produce some kind of sunglasses instead of monitors and finger devices instead of keyboards. Then they should simply be connected to the global network. There we must provide free software to use them.

This will foster the penetration and of course computer world will totally replace the TV world. Currently, we do not pay (or pay very little) for the TV channels. The same should work for the internet world.

Here can arise the problem of storage and that can be solved by grid system which is already used in the world. People donate special space on their computer and energy of their computer and by this support upload and download of the information from their computers.

The rest business should care should be only security. Then, security will mean something. And will not survive with its simple and everywhere applicable meaning...

This was my perspective...

Procedures, procedures and again procedures

It is already 3 years that I somehow involved in procedure writing in different companies for different operations. It is not really amazing but, it is really useful. Till now, rare people provided their feedback regarding the usefullness of these procedures...

Briefly, yesterday ended with the procedure or as it was stated Standard for Operational Procedures writing. I enjoyed this since I used my creativity but, due to overload I could not provide full document with the flowcharts. But my customer liked it and provided very warm feedbacks.

That how it works... You get warm feedbacks...

Monday, June 16, 2008

To do or not to do?

Sometimes there is kind of will to experience whatever you can flight, read, write, became famous, rich, modest...

But, life is short so you should play naked to get your chance. Not with me, I have principles:)

However, that is not the subject of the post. Several times you are faced to that or not. I see that life runs in two ways, some choose special subject and just work on it, others is trying to achieve everything and just get lost in that, and the rest just spending their time...

There is not a perfect model and none of the smart consultant can advise you by saying man just go on this way and you will get what you need. Because basically person is a social animal and his/her needs changes from time to time and by all the development that shapes personal identity.

My mother still can not understand how we are wearing strange type jeans... Oh, where I now...

Let us come back, I think whatever person is doing he/she must just stop and filter all the staff that s/he has. Then just do and check. As plan-d0-check-prevent model. This model should be applied before each step.

So, guys it is a perfect time to go and play naked :)))))

Why karma105?

My name is Karim and of course my surname is Mammadov. After the admission to the university I get a login name to the system - karma105. During my registration it was so, hard to find the suitable blog name and I suddenly remind this. The history of this nick and blog is so simple...

I forget to inform you that I am from Azerbaijan and currently living-exploring my life there...