Strange but, science still tries to explain why people behave in this or that way. It is kind of impossible since people is very complex beings. They have different kinds of thinking and backgrounds. It is not possible to categorize and certainly explain that this happen as a reason of that.
On the other hand, we have to explain everything and provide certain answers at least to our child when s/he ask why her/his ant or uncle behaved in this or that way...
What we already did? We started to observe people and to compare them with the other beings. We found out that some of the beings have similarities with us and we went in this direction. We found out that even they have similarities with us, they can not be used to explain human being...
Later, we jump into the observation... Observed by how many...
Then, we decided to experiment on people... We created game theory, probability, rationality... But again that did not work for us...
Nowadays, we are trying to dig deeper into the brain. We are using scanners to find out what is happening in people brains when they act in this or that way... But still this researches gives little to us...
We hope that it will work better in future and people will understand why this or that thing happens... May be we should start to test? Are there any one who can be volunteer?...
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