... Strange but, truth I do not love my computer, I love and am a part of the world which is inside of that black box. Music, entertainment, work, colleagues, friends everything is there...
The only step which we miss is just open a virtual shop ask our friend come together and shop on LINE. Recent developments provide the message that we would not wait so much...
People get from GooGle a new version of Lively site. Here is your place where you can built your home, may be shop and invite your friends, customers...
So, guys are you still reading my BLOG? I think it is perfect time to start to think what you can get from it...
Yeah, what we are really need is friendship and nice talk with old friends... However, distances can be avoided by means of pc + internet when we have thousand miles in between. As an ancient wise word says: "New things are good to get,but old friends are BEST to have" .
... Nothing to comment. Just agree!
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